The psychology behind persuasive advertising

Young woman holding touchpad with advertisement of new real estate on screen
Home 9 Economy 9 The psychology behind persuasive advertising

The Psychology Behind Persuasive Advertising is a very interesting topic, and it’s one that many people in the marketing industry have been discuss for years. The Main Idea is to make your Audience Want Something, and then convinc them that you are the best person to get it for them. A good Example of this is the way we all use our mobile phones. We all now How important it is to have a good phone, but most of us don actually buy one becaus we know that are beter options out there. We use persuasion to connice us that buying a new phone is what we need to do.

What are the fundamental principles of psychology underlying persuasive advertising?

Persuasive advertising is an effective communication tool that allows consumer behavior to influence. It aims to produce a reaction on the part of the individual according to certain characteristics (appeal, fear, desire) or emotions (joy, sadness, anger).

Persuasion is based on the following fundamental principles: 1.

Authority: It is a question of convincing the consumer that we have the best arguments to buy the product or that we represent the most trustworthy society to sell this product. 2.

The cost: The first argument used by advertisers consists in presenting the price as a determining factor of choice and therefore as being higher than other criteria. 3.

The contrast: this consists in ensuring that when the customer sees comparative advertising, it appears to be less attractive than non -comparative advertising and that it is not visible around point of sale 4.

Social proof: it is a question of using the argument that people who bought a product or made a similar purchase would be likely to buy our product also 5.

Familiarity: it is important that our speech is close to the usual discourse of people targeted by campaign 6.


Young woman holding touchpad with advertisement of new real estate on screen

persuasive advertising

How can the use of psychology in persuasive advertising help influence consumers?

Nowadays, advertising has become a very effective way for companies to achieve their goals. But what is persuasive advertising, exactly? Persuasive advertising is a form of communication through which a brand is trying to persuade or influence consumer behavior using psychological techniques. This is generally done by the use of various tactics such as catchy slogans, images and colors that can cause different types of emotions in people exposed to this form of marketing.

When we are exposed to a certain type of persuasive communication, there are several ways which we can respond according to the context in which it occurs. For example, if you are in the supermarket and you see a campaign for a particular food product, your first reaction will probably be to look for this particular product. If you are on the internet and you look for example a Facebook ad for a specific website, your first reflex will probably be going to this site.

Of course, this does not necessarily mean that you will buy the product announced by the company or go to the website in question. Many people are just trying to know how to get this product or service for free for the company concerned.


What are the psychological effects that persuasive advertising can have on consumers?

Persuasive advertising is a means of communication that aims to influence consumers. It uses the power of the message and images to influence consumer behavior so that they act in accordance with the expectations of the advertiser.

There are different types of advertisements, the most popular of which are television advertising, radio advertising and printed advertising.

The majority of studies on the psychological impact of advertising were carried out by means of laboratory experiences where the subject is exposed to one or more forms of persuasion (behaviors, attitudes, beliefs) in order to measure the impact on his behavior.

The psychological effects generated by persuasion depend on individual characteristics and the context of diffusion.

The results obtained by the various research does not always make it possible to identify with certainty the precise causes of the changes observed in the consumer. In particular, it is not possible to know if these are attributable to a direct modification of the behavior of the subject (for example: increase or decrease in purchase intentions), or to an indirect change induced by intervention Persuasive (for example: improvement or degradation of perceptions).


What are the different types of persuasive advertising messages used by companies?

Persuasive advertising messages are used by companies to attract the attention of their potential customers and encourage them to buy a product or service.

The persuasion techniques used can be of a different nature.

The message can be simple and direct, as in the case of advertising slogans.

The message can also be subtle and call on the emotions of consumers by referring to common values ​​shared by the targeted targets. These persuasive advertising messages can take the form of a promotional offer, a commercial argument, a barcode or even a catchy advertising slogan. These techniques are therefore intended to convince the consumer on the novelty of the product or on their usefulness.

There are also several types of persuasive advertising messages which aim to influence a practical decision (in this case, this does not necessarily concern a purchase) via a voluntary act: – persuasive advertising messages which call on the rational judgment of the consumer, such as ‘We find it in comparative advertising for example – the messages which use the emotional judgment of the consumer (the reputation of a brand for example) – the messages which call on the identity judgment of the consumer (when a social group is valued or associated with a brand).


What are the main psychological tools used by advertising professionals to persuade consumers?

The main psychological tools used by advertising professionals to persuade consumers? Advertising professionals use different types of psychological tools to convince their interlocutor. Depending on the type of commercial operation (prospecting, loyalty, etc.), some tools will be more effective than others. Thus, a seller will tend to rely on rational and logical arguments, while an advertiser will focus his speech on the emotional aspect. To do this, it can rely on arguments related to the values ​​of the company or to customer benefit. As part of a loyalty campaign, the seller will favor an individual approach while the advertising will rather use collective communication techniques.

When it comes to a national advertising campaign, we will rather speak of a collective persuasive argumentation which consists in calling on the moral and ethical principles so that the consumer integrates without resistance the marketing messages of the targeted group.


What are the risks associated with the use of psychology in the context of persuasive advertising?

There are many ways for companies to influence consumer behavior.

Advertising is one of them, because it allows an individual to be sent to an individual according to his needs and expectations.

Advertising is also one of the techniques that has changed the most in recent years. We are talking about “persuasive advertising” today, which implies that advertising must be able to act on consumer behavior so that he acts in accordance with the wishes of the advertiser. This form of communication can be defined as a technique aimed at modifying the behavior of consumers in order to arouse an emotional or cognitive response favorable to the brand or the product.

Advertisers use different means to influence consumer attitudes and preferences, in particular thanks to verbal, non -verbal and situational messages as well as direct and indirect persuasion.

Nowadays, artificial intelligence tends to expand and to be used in various domains. Adversisement is not an exeption, and indeed, artificial intelligence can help with programmatic advertising for exemple.


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