The ethics of advertising to children

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The Ethics of Advertising to Children is a question that has been debated for decades. The Debate is Still Ongoing, and Many people are still undercided about the Best Way to Approach this Issue. In this article, we will look at the Various Ethical Issues Involved in Advertising to Children, and then Will Examine Some of the Most Common Ways that advertisers have used to market their product to children.

What is the influence of advertising on children?

Advertising for children is increasingly present in society. Indeed, there are an increasing number of brands that aim for the young audience. Are these campaigns effective? Some answers below. In most cases, children are exposed to advertisements from an early age, for those who have access to televisions or to the Internet.

Toys sold in large areas are also a potential source of advertising message for children, even if this does not represent a significant quantity.

Advertising directly influences the child and has an impact on his way of understanding the world and his daily behavior.

It happens that it becomes subject to the influence of marketing and therefore finds itself subject to certain codes of conduct that it will want to pass in order to obtain its attention or its money. For example, we can observe that some parents sometimes accept that their children are watching programs that can be shocking for them in order to increase their chances of attracting the attention of the targeted viewer (boys). This type of strategy therefore makes it possible to touch a maximum of person thanks to the fact that they are shocked. However, this type of action can lead some people to have a negative attitude in the face of advertisements: they will no longer be intellectually capable of differentiating fiction and reality and will tend to believe everything that is told without posing too much question.


Caring mom providing children's online privacy protection

Mom being concerned about this ad

What precautions should advertisers take when creating advertising campaigns?

Each year, many children are exposed to advertising messages intended for them. Some of these advertisements may have a considerable impact on children and their families.

It is therefore important that advertisers take certain precautions when they create advertising messages for children. Indeed, the law prohibits advertisers from encouraging children to buy certain products or services as well as to promote or market alcoholic beverages from under 18s.

Advertising campaigns should not encourage children either to endanger themselves.

When such a situation presents itself, it is necessary to inform the labor and mines (ITM) inspection without delay.




What are the advantages and disadvantages of advertising for children?

Advertising is a means of communication that draws the attention of consumers. It can be used for the promotion of a company, the sale of products or even to publicize a cause.

Advertising is talked about and it has been upgraded since its appearance.

There are different types of advertisements: posters, television spots, prospectus, radio announcements, etc.

A few years ago, advertising was reserved for adults and financially responsible persons. Today, the minimum age required to view this type of equipment is set at 3 years.

Children are therefore often exposed to this particularly aggressive form of communication for them.

Advantages ? Advertising can be an effective tool for attracting consumers’ attention to your product or service (for example: placement of your logo on a car). It also allows you to quickly reach a large clientele without you having to spend time and spending large funds in direct marketing (for example: send personalized emails to your customers). However, you should know that the majority of children look at this kind of equipment alone in front of a computer or a television.

They are not sufficiently informed on the subject treated and they therefore risk being negatively influenced by this form of aggressive communication which emphasizes the sensational instead of the rational.


What are the risks associated with advertising for children?

Advertising for children is a subject that raises many questions.

Children are vulnerable and you have to be very careful about what they are offered.

There are risks that advertising for children can be dangerous, especially because it can develop an addiction or create a compulsive need in children. In addition, there are risks associated with the content of advertising that can be shocking for a child. By offering children food products such as candy, you can create a form of addiction to these products.

It is therefore always necessary to be careful not to fall into excess and to remain vigilant about the content and the form of advertising.


What actions can be implemented to regulate advertising for children?

The European Union has adopted legislation which aims to regulate advertising for children. This law applies to audiovisual and electronic media, including search engines, social networks and mobile applications. It aims to protect children from any form of advertising that can have a negative impact on their physical, psychological or moral development.

The directive on the protection of children in the framework of smoking and alcoholism has been modified because it was not binding enough to ensure adequate protection of children against advertising for smokers or alcoholics .

The new text allows in particular the member states to restrict advertising for young people so that they do not feel obliged to buy this product or they feel unwanted consequences after starting to smoke.

The text also provides that manufacturers must develop a system to prevent the dissemination of advertising messages intended directly for minors without parental authorization.

It is important to understand that advertising to children is not bad in itself. It can be an effective way of reaching young people when it is done responsibly. However, the Same Principles Apply As For Adults: It must be Honest and Fair, based on the interests of the child and not on those of the advertiser; it must be clear about what products are being advertised; it should not suggest that children may use them; and it should not encourage or promote harmful behaviours.

Children are easier target for advertising, especially persuasive advertising, so you need to pay attention.


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